PCOS and Infertility: My journey so far.

I got married to my best Friend, Daryl on a Gorgeous summer in August in the Kansas City Missouri temple of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was a blessing in my life and continues to bless me daily. We had a home and stable jobs and our live seem to be going well. We knew that we wanted to start for children shortly after we got married. We loved out married life and each other but I was working at an early childhood center and was around small children all day and loved those children every day and teaching them and inspiring them every day. Every month would go by and if my period was late or if I had not gotten a period I would take a test. Every month I continued to lose hope as it would skip over the first line and show the second line saying not pregnant.

In December of 2017, I was able to go to my Endocrinologist at my nearest hospital. We discussed my insulin resistance I was diagnosed with at age 16, I was 21 at the time and he noticed some brown patches on the back of my neck and every woman has free testosterone that naturally flows in the body and I had elevated levels. At that time he diagnosed me with PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I have naturally occurring cysts that are on my ovaries. Those can lead to infertility, painful periods wich i have been dealing with since i had started my period over 8 years ago. My periods are so bad. I can literally stay in bed unable to move and if a cysts burst it can cause hemorrhaging. I have learn how to deal with it daily and i take medicine to help with the free testosterone and try to regulate my periods. I was feeling weird te end part of July/ Beginning of August so i took a pregnancy test and this time it was positive, We were ecstatic!

I called my family up that day and we were having family dinner at his parents house so we told them that night. We went to a special spot in our church history called Far West and we took our pictures and announced our pregnancy on that day. I was telling coworkers and I made an appointment with my OB to find out my due date about a week after we announced and at that time, they couldn’t detect the hormone HCG which meant i was no longer pregnant. I was devastated. I feel into a deep depression and I had no period for 10 weeks. My last period was painful and i just smiled through the pain. I am grateful and love all of my friends who are having babies. Theses babies will be blessed and loved. I just wish I knew mine for longer than a few weeks and they were still with me in my tummy and not our angel in heaven. They are missed and their daddy and I love them and wish we could have met them. I am grateful for our journey so far and hope that I one day will be able to ave a child I am able to bring into this world.


Our Pregnancy announcement photos:






I am so sorry i have not posted in a long time. I have started a new job at Burger King and will hope that will continue me in a new career. I was not able to attend Northwest Missouri State University because of financial reasons. I have started a GoFundMe if you would love to help me on my way to get back to school. The link is below:


If you want to check me out on YouTube please do! I try to make new videos weekly and am working more and more on my channel! i love you all!

Talk to you later!




College is crazy!

I have been at college for the last two semesters and today I was like, no.

Why was this? Is it because it is Wednesday? Because i have to work? I don’t know but lets just say, that i was tired and not sure. I think it also is because I am ready for break and to see my family.

I am working, trying to have a social life, and keep all of my grades up, and volunteer. It is hard but worth it in the end. If you would to help me on my journey of college, please donate to my gofundme, Every little bit helps.



Have a wonderful day!


I am soo sorry for not being able to post lately! I have been working on projects, moving into my apartment and working.

I hope all is well with you guys! You are amazing. Remember the pot of gold of wisdom is waiting for you at the end of the rainbow!

Enjoy your day!




Hi everyone! School is picking up! We just finished Midterms and I have passed all of them! I am super elated! I actually was selected to be featured and will be published in the Winter issue of Women of Distinction magazine! I am super excited and am grateful for this opportunity! I love you all!!



Life Update

Hey lovely’s!

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! Life has been in the way. I have been planning a friends bachelorette party, working 13-28 hour weeks at work, and a lot of homework, I think in about 3 of my 5 classes we always have a project or something going on. I am loving my classes and my professors are phenomenal. I could not ask for a better roommate and will be sad to leave her. I hope you all have a magical Monday and know you are loved!

With my love,

Victoria Shackelford

College round two!

Hello everyone!

I have started my second year at Northwest and am loving it! I am glad to be a bearcat and all that I have learned from here. I am studying Elementary education and thinking about minoring in Early childhood Special Education. I am in Sigma Society and so glad that I joined last semester the relationships and sisterhood we have will last for a lifetime. I am taking 15 credit hours this semester. I work part time at Papa John’s on campus and have gotten back into working out. My body is not used to it and I am for sure paying for it but my body and mind will be much better in the long run.

I love all the friends I have and making this year, they are great supporters and people to talk too. I have been blessed with the sweetest roommate in the world. She is from Clinton and one of the nicest people I now. I have had many adventures since starting school, I will tell you this in a YouTube video and upload that also to here.

Love you all!!

-Victoria S.

General Conference

I am thankful as a member of the church of Jesus Christ to come together as a worldwide church to listen to the messages the prophets, leaders, and apostles ave for each of us. The words are always a spiritual refresher for me. This was my first year to watch conference by myself without any family or friends. It was an interesting experience. I loved listening to the talks that were prepared though. The words prepared for this Easter weekend were just what I needed! 🙂 I am mormon. I know it, I live it, I love it.


I only have a month left of my my first semester as a freshman!! I can’t believe it!!! I have enjoyed it!! My friends that I have made are amazing. I have managed to get pretty good grades in my classes do far. I just need to work on a few classes. I can’t believe it!

Love you all

Victoria Shackelford


I am already half way done with my semester!! I can’t believe it!! I have been making tons of great friends, have really cool,awesome, and helpful professors, and enjoy college life!! I will be going back to school in the fall and working over the summer to help pay for expenses and supplemental materials next semester. I get tired by 10 or 11 every night and some nights don’t go to bed until 12 or 1, but in the end I know it will be worth it.

I am grateful for my YSA, church, and college family and friends. They are helping me in my life and make me grateful for all my Heavenly Father has blessed me with this year. I am extremely grateful for my parents example and all that they have done for me and for my boyfriend and his family and all the ongoing love and support I receive from them.

Love you all and thanks for reading and supporting me!

-Victoria Shackelford